Source code for robota_core.attendance

"""A module to collect statistics on student attendance."""
import json
from loguru import logger
import time

import requests

from robota_core import config_readers

[docs]class AttendanceError(Exception): """An error in collecting attendance data."""
[docs]class StudentAttendance: """The student attendance class collects data from an external API about student attendance.""" def __init__(self, robota_config: dict, mock: bool = False): """ :param robota_config: A dictionary of information about data sources read from the robota config file. :param mock: If True, return mock data instead of getting real data from the data source. """ data_source_name = "attendance" attendance_source = config_readers.get_data_source_info(robota_config, data_source_name) if not attendance_source: raise KeyError(f"Data source '{data_source_name}' not found in robota config.") = None self.mock = mock self._get_course_attendance(attendance_source) self.total_sessions = self._get_number_of_sessions() def _get_course_attendance(self, attendance_source: dict): """Get student attendance using the specified data source. :param attendance_source: Information about where to get attendance data from. """ if self.mock: logger.warning("Attendance mocking specified - providing mocked attendance data.") return if attendance_source["type"] == "benchmark":"Connecting to Benchmark to retrieve attendance data.") self._get_benchmark_attendance(attendance_source) else: raise KeyError(f"Student attendance of type: " f"{attendance_source['type']} not implemented.") def _get_benchmark_attendance(self, attendance_source: dict): """Collect data from the UoM CS Benchmark API. To simplify the API requests, all of the attendance data for a particular course is downloaded at once. This means that StudentAttendance should be instantiated at the beginning and then data collected student by student by accessing the process_benchmark_data method. :param attendance_source: Information about where to get attendance data from. """ headers = {'Private-Token': attendance_source["token"]} data = requests.get(attendance_source["url"], headers=headers).text = json.loads(data)
[docs] def get_student_attendance(self, student_id: str) -> int: """For an individual student, get their attendance from the list of all attendances. :param student_id: The university ID name of the student to get attendance of. :return student_attendance: The number of sessions attended in the current year. """ if self.mock: return 8 student_attendance = 0 current_time = time.time() for week in # Only collect attendance data for weeks that have passed. if week["finish"] < current_time: try: if week["events"][student_id][0]["data"] == "present": student_attendance += 1 except KeyError: pass return student_attendance
def _get_number_of_sessions(self) -> int: """Get the total number of sessions that a student could have attended in the current year.""" if self.mock: return 10 else: num_sessions = 0 current_time = time.time() for week in if week["finish"] < current_time: num_sessions += 1 return num_sessions