Source code for robota_core.commit

"""Objects and for describing and processing Git commits."""

import datetime
import copy
from typing import List, Union, TYPE_CHECKING

import dateparser
import dateutil.parser
import gitlab.v4.objects
import github.Tag
import github.Commit
import github.CommitComment
import github.GithubObject
import git

from robota_core.string_processing import clean, get_link

    from robota_core.repository import Event

[docs]class Commit: """An abstract object representing a git commit. :ivar created_at: (datetime) Commit creation time. :ivar id: Commit id. :ivar parent_ids: (List[string]) The ids of one or more commit parents. :ivar raw_message: (str) The original commit message :ivar message: (str) The commit message cleaned for HTML display. :ivar merge_commit: (bool) Whether this commit is a merge commit. """ def __init__(self, commit, commit_source: str, project_url: str = None): self.created_at = None = None self.author_name = None # Used only for progress report self.short_id = None self.parent_ids = None self.raw_message = "" = None self.comments: List["CommitComment"] = [] self.url = None = None self.network_url = None self.network_link = None if commit_source == "gitlab": self._commit_from_gitlab(commit, project_url) elif commit_source == "github": self._commit_from_github(commit) elif commit_source == "local": self.commit_from_local(commit) elif commit_source == "dict": self._commit_from_dict(commit) else: raise TypeError(f"Unknown commit type '{commit_source}'") self.message = clean(self.raw_message) self.merge_commit = self._is_merge_commit() def __hash__(self): return hash( def __repr__(self): return f"{self.short_id}"
[docs] def get_comments(self) -> List[str]: """Return the text of all comments to this commit.""" return [comment.text for comment in self.comments]
def __eq__(self, other_commit: Union[None, "Commit"]): if other_commit is None: return False elif == return True else: return False def _commit_from_github(self, github_commit: github.Commit.Commit): commit = github_commit.commit created_at = dateutil.parser.parse(commit.last_modified) self.created_at = created_at.replace(tzinfo=None) = commit.sha self.author_name = self.short_id =[:10] self.parent_ids = [parent.sha for parent in commit.parents] self.raw_message = commit.message = comments = github_commit.get_comments() self.comments = [CommitComment(comment, "gitlab") for comment in comments] self.url = commit.html_url = get_link(self.url, self.short_id) def _commit_from_gitlab(self, gitlab_commit: gitlab.v4.objects.ProjectCommit, project_url: str): """Convert a Gitlab commit to RoboTA Commit.""" created_at = dateparser.parse(gitlab_commit.attributes["created_at"]) self.created_at = created_at.replace(tzinfo=None) = gitlab_commit.attributes["id"] self.author_name = gitlab_commit.attributes["author_name"] self.short_id = gitlab_commit.attributes["short_id"] self.parent_ids = gitlab_commit.attributes["parent_ids"] self.raw_message = gitlab_commit.attributes["message"] = gitlab_commit.attributes['author_email'].lower() comments = gitlab_commit.comments.list(all=True) self.comments = [CommitComment(comment, "gitlab") for comment in comments] self.url = f'{project_url}/commit/{}' = get_link(self.url, self.short_id) self.network_url = f'{project_url}/network/master?utf8=✓&extended_sha1={}' self.network_link = get_link(self.network_url, self.short_id)
[docs] def commit_from_local(self, commit: git.Commit): self.created_at = commit.authored_datetime = commit.hexsha self.author_name = self.short_id =[:10] self.parent_ids = [parent.hexsha for parent in commit.parents] self.raw_message = commit.message =
def _commit_from_dict(self, commit: dict): """Used for testing, create a commit with just the ID and ID of parents.""" = commit["id"] if "parents" in commit: self.parent_ids = commit["parents"] else: self.parent_ids = [] def _is_merge_commit(self) -> bool: """Is this a merge commit? Only a merge commit can have more than one parent. :return: Whether this is a merge commit """ if len(self.parent_ids) > 1: return True else: return False
[docs]class CommitComment: """A comment made on a commit.""" def __init__(self, comment_data, source: str): self.text = None = None if source == "gitlab": self._commit_comment_from_gitlab(comment_data) elif source == "github": self._commit_comment_from_github(comment_data) else: raise TypeError("Unknown commit comment data type.") def _commit_comment_from_gitlab(self, comment_data: gitlab.v4.objects.ProjectCommitComment): self.text = clean(comment_data.attributes["note"]) = comment_data.attributes['author'] def _commit_comment_from_github(self, comment_data: github.CommitComment.CommitComment): self.text = comment_data.body =
[docs]class Tag: """A tag is a named pointer to a git commit. :ivar name: The name of the tag. :ivar commit_id: The id of the commit that the tag points to. """ def __init__(self, tag_data, source: str): = "" self.commit_id = "" if source == "gitlab": self.tag_from_gitlab(tag_data) elif source == "github": self.tag_from_github(tag_data) elif source == "local": self.tag_from_local(tag_data) elif source == "dict": self.tag_from_dict(tag_data) else: raise TypeError(f"Cannot create tag, unknown tag data type: {source}")
[docs] def tag_from_gitlab(self, tag_data: gitlab.v4.objects.ProjectTag): = tag_data.attributes["name"] self.commit_id = tag_data.attributes["commit"]["id"]
[docs] def tag_from_dict(self, tag_data: dict): = tag_data["name"] self.commit_id = tag_data["commit_id"]
[docs] def tag_from_local(self, tag_data: git.Tag): = self.commit_id = tag_data.commit.hexsha
[docs] def tag_from_github(self, tag_data: github.Tag.Tag): = self.commit_id = tag_data.commit.sha
[docs]class CommitCache: """A cache of Commit objects from a specific date range and branch.""" def __init__(self, start: datetime.datetime, end: datetime.datetime, branch: str, commits: List[Commit]): self.start = start self.end = end self.branch = branch self.commits = tuple(commits) def __iter__(self): yield from self.commits
[docs]def get_merge_commit(feature_tip: Commit, master_commits: List[Commit]) -> Union[Commit, None]: """Get merge commit ID for the branch "branch_title". Given the id of the commit at the tip of a feature branch, find where it merges into the master branch by going through the commits ids on the master branch and looking at their parents. :param feature_tip: The Commit at the tip of the feature branch. :param master_commits: Commits of master branch, ordered by date, most recent first. :return merge_commit: The id of the merge commit if branch was merged else returns None. """ if not master_commits: return None assert isinstance(feature_tip, Commit) # Find where the branch tip is in the list of master Commits master_commit_index = None for index, commit in enumerate(master_commits): if commit == feature_tip: master_commit_index = index break if master_commit_index is None: # Branch was not merged return None # Search for merge commits in the more recent commits. for commit in reversed(master_commits[:master_commit_index]): if len(commit.parent_ids) > 1 and == commit.parent_ids[1]: # Non-FF merge return commit # FF merge return feature_tip
[docs]def get_tags_at_date(date: datetime.datetime, tags: List[Tag], events: List["Event"]) -> List[Tag]: tags = copy.deepcopy(tags) for event in events: if > date: # Add tags that have been deleted since date. if event.type == "deleted": if event.ref_type == "tag": tag_data = {"name": event.ref_name, "commit_id": event.commit_id} tags.append(Tag(tag_data, "dict")) # Remove tags that have been added since date. elif event.type == "pushed to" or event.type == "pushed new": if event.ref_type == "tag": tag_name = event.ref_name tag_commit = event.commit_id pointer = 0 while pointer < len(tags): if tags[pointer].commit_id == tag_commit and tags[pointer].name == tag_name: del (tags[pointer]) else: pointer += 1 return tags