Source code for robota_core.issue

"""Objects and for describing and processing Git Issues."""
from abc import abstractmethod
import datetime
from typing import List, Union, Tuple
import re

import github.Issue
import github.IssueComment
from gitlab.v4.objects import ProjectIssueNote, ProjectIssue
from loguru import logger

from robota_core import gitlab_tools, config_readers
from robota_core.github_tools import GithubServer
from robota_core.string_processing import string_to_datetime, get_link, clean

[docs]class Issue: """An Issue :ivar created_at: (datetime) The time at which the issue was created. :ivar assignee: (string) The person to whom the issue was assigned. :ivar closed_at: (datetime) The time at which the issue was closed. :ivar closed_by: (string) The person who closed the issue. :ivar time_stats: (dict) Estimates and reported time taken to work on the issue. :ivar due_date: (datetime) The time at which issue is due to be completed. :ivar title: (string) The title of the issue. :ivar comments: (List[Comment]) A list of Comments associated with the Issue. :ivar state: (string) Whether the issue is open or closed. :ivar milestone: (string) Any milestone the issue is associated with. :ivar url: (string) A link to the Issue on GitLab. """ def __init__(self, issue, issue_source: str, get_comments=True): self.created_at = None self.assignee = None self.closed_at = None self.closed_by = None self.time_stats = None self.due_date = None self.title = "" self.comments: List[IssueComment] = [] self.state = None self.milestone = None self.url = "" self.number = None if issue_source == "gitlab": self._issue_from_gitlab(issue, get_comments) elif issue_source == "github": self._issue_from_github(issue, get_comments) elif issue_source == "test data": self._issue_from_test_data(issue) else: raise TypeError(f"Unknown issue type: '{issue_source}'") = get_link(self.url, self.title) def __eq__(self, other_issue: Union[None, "Issue"]) -> bool: if other_issue is None: return False elif self.created_at == other_issue.created_at and self.title == other_issue.title: return True else: return False def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"Issue: {self.title}" def _issue_from_github(self, github_issue: github.Issue.Issue, get_comments: bool): self.created_at = github_issue.created_at if github_issue.assignee: self.assignee = else: self.assignee = None if github_issue.closed_by: self.closed_by = else: self.closed_by = None self.title = github_issue.title self.state = github_issue.state if github_issue.milestone: self.milestone = {"title": github_issue.milestone.title, 'web_url': github_issue.milestone.url} else: self.milestone = None self.url = github_issue.html_url self.number = github_issue.number if get_comments: comments = github_issue.get_comments() for comment in comments: self.comments.append(IssueComment(comment, "github")) def _issue_from_gitlab(self, gitlab_issue: ProjectIssue, get_comments: bool): """Convert a GitLabIssue to a RoboTA issue.""" self.created_at = string_to_datetime(gitlab_issue.attributes["created_at"]) self.assignee = gitlab_issue.attributes["assignee"] self.closed_at = string_to_datetime(gitlab_issue.attributes["closed_at"]) self.closed_by = gitlab_issue.attributes["closed_by"] self.time_stats = gitlab_issue.attributes["time_stats"] self.due_date = string_to_datetime(gitlab_issue.attributes["due_date"], '%Y-%m-%d') self.title = gitlab_issue.attributes["title"] if gitlab_issue.state == "opened": self.state = "open" else: self.state = gitlab_issue.state gitlab_milestone = gitlab_issue.attributes["milestone"] if gitlab_milestone: self.milestone = {"title": gitlab_milestone['title'], 'web_url': gitlab_milestone['web_url']} self.url = gitlab_issue.attributes["web_url"] self.number = gitlab_issue.attributes["iid"] # Returns comments in descending order of creation date (oldest first) if get_comments: all_notes = gitlab_issue.notes.list(all=True) for note in all_notes: self.comments.append(IssueComment(note, "gitlab")) def _issue_from_test_data(self, issue_data): (number, title) = issue_data self.number = number self.title = title
[docs] def get_assignee(self) -> Union[str, None]: """ Return name of issue assignee :return If issue has an assignee, returns their name else returns None. """ if self.assignee: return self.assignee['name'] return None
[docs] def get_assignment_date(self) -> Union[datetime.datetime, None]: """Get assignment date for an issue. First checks comments for assignment date and if none is found, returns the issue creation date. If there is more than one assignment date, this method will always return the most recent. :return: The date at which the issue was assigned. """ if not self.assignee: return None # Looking for most recent comment first so reverse comment list. for comment in reversed(self.comments): if comment.text.startswith('assigned to'): return comment.created_at return self.created_at
[docs] def get_time_estimate_date(self) -> Union[datetime.datetime, None]: """Gets the date a time estimate was added to an issue. This only works for issues made after 05/02/19 as this was a feature added in Gitlab 11.4. :return: Date of the first time estimate, None if no time estimate was found. """ # Comments are stored oldest first. for comment in reversed(self.comments): if comment.text.startswith('changed time estimate to'): return comment.created_at return None
[docs] def get_time_estimate(self) -> datetime.timedelta: """Gets estimate of time it will take to close issue.""" time_estimate = self.time_stats['time_estimate'] return datetime.timedelta(seconds=time_estimate)
[docs] def get_comment_timestamp(self, key_phrase: str, earliest=False) -> Union[datetime.datetime, None]: """Search for a phrase in the comments of an issue If the phrase exists, return creation time of the comment. :param key_phrase: a phrase to search for in a comment on the issue. :param earliest: If True, return the earliest comment matching key_phrase, else return most recent comment matching key_phrase. :return: If phrase is present in a comment, return the the time of the comment, else return None """ # Since we can't guarantee that all Git hosting sites will return comments in the same order # we specifically search for the one we want comments = self.comments matching_comments = [c.created_at for c in comments if key_phrase in c.text] if matching_comments: matching_comments.sort(reverse=not earliest) return matching_comments[0] return None
[docs] def get_recorded_team_member(self, key_phrase: str) -> Union[None, List[str]]: """Report whether a team member has been recorded using a key phrase for issue. Key phrase should appear at the start of a comment to indicate assignment of sub-team member, code reviewer (etc). :param key_phrase: Phrase to search for :return team_member_recorded: Str """ # Strings we're searching for are: # - key_phrase @username # - key_phrase # - key_phrase # - key_phrase # Also permit the team member to be quoted or in angle brackets # Also permit the url to be in square brackets as this is markdown for a link regex = r"\s*(<|\"|\'|\[)*(@|https:\/\/gitlab\.cs\.man\.ac\.uk\/)(\w+[-\.]?\w*)(>|\"|\'|\])*" regex = key_phrase + regex recorded_team_member = [] for comment in self.comments: match = re.findall(regex, comment.text) if match: for match_contents in match: recorded_team_member.append(match_contents[2]) if recorded_team_member: return recorded_team_member return None
[docs] def get_date_of_time_spent_record(self, key_phrase: str) -> Union[datetime.datetime, str]: """Determine whether a time spent category has been recorded. The key phrase should appear in a comment to indicate what the time has been spent on. :param key_phrase: Phrase to search for, which should have a time record associated with it :return: Last edited time of comment recording time spent """ # The order of the comments is most recent (i.e. last) first. # Start with the most recent comment, where the key phrases are most likely to appear. for n, comment in enumerate(self.comments): if key_phrase in comment.text: # A `/spend` command in a key phrase comment generates a subsequent comment in # the web interface. In the API, the generated 'time spent' comment shows before # the key phrase comment in time, i.e. comment index + 1! # Furthermore, students might not use the `/spend` command in a comment and # add the time separately. As such, we look for 'time spent' in both the # previous (`/spend`) and next (manual) comment. # 'Previous' and 'next' are used below in the temporal sense, # rather than relating to indices. previous_comment = self.comments[n + 1] next_comment = self.comments[n - 1] if 'time spent' in next_comment.text or 'time spent' in previous_comment.text: return comment.updated_at else: return "No time record found" return "Key phrase not found"
[docs] def is_assignee_contributing(self, team) -> Union[bool, str]: """Determine whether the Student assigned to work on an Issue is contributing to the exercise.""" if self.assignee is None: return "No issue assignee." else: assigned_student = team.get_student_by_name(self.assignee["name"]) if assigned_student is None: # This will happen if a student leaves the team after the exercise. return "Assignee is not a team member" else: return assigned_student.is_contributing
[docs] def get_status(self, deadline: datetime.datetime): """Get current status of issue if deadline hasn't passed, otherwise get last status of issue before the deadline, and save in the issue.state attribute so that it is only calculated once. :param deadline: :return: """ if < deadline: return self.state else: for comment in self.comments: # Has the issue status changed since the deadline? if comment.system and comment.created_at < deadline: if comment.text.startswith('closed'): self.state = 'closed' break elif comment.text == 'reopened': self.state = 'open' break else: # No status change before the deadline self.state = 'open' return self.state
[docs]class IssueCache: """A cache of Issue objects from a specific date range.""" def __init__(self, start: datetime.datetime = None, end: datetime.datetime = None, get_comments=True, milestone=None): self.start = start self.end = end self.get_comments = get_comments self.issues: List[Issue] = [] self.milestone = milestone def __iter__(self): yield from self.issues
[docs] def add_issue(self, issue: Issue): """Add an Issue to an IssueCache.""" self.issues.append(issue)
[docs]class IssueServer: """An IssueServer is a service from which Issues are extracted.""" def __init__(self): self._stored_issues: List[IssueCache] = []
[docs] def get_issues(self, start: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(1), end: datetime.datetime =, get_comments: bool = True) -> List[Issue]: """Get issues from the issue provider between the start date and end date.""" cached_issues = self._get_cached_issues(start, end) if cached_issues: return cached_issues.issues new_issues = self._fetch_issues(start, end, get_comments) cached_issues = IssueCache(start, end, get_comments) for issue in new_issues: cached_issues.add_issue(issue) self._stored_issues.append(cached_issues) return new_issues
[docs] def get_issues_by_milestone(self, milestone_name: str) -> Union[List[Issue], None]: """Get a list of issues associated with a milestone.""" for issue_cache in self._stored_issues: if issue_cache.milestone == milestone_name: return issue_cache.issues new_issues = self._fetch_issues_by_milestone(milestone_name) new_cache = IssueCache(milestone=milestone_name) for issue in new_issues: new_cache.add_issue(issue) self._stored_issues.append(new_cache) return new_issues
@abstractmethod def _fetch_issues(self, start: datetime.datetime, end: datetime.datetime, get_comments: bool) -> List[Issue]: """Get issues from the issue provider between the start date and end date.""" raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented in base class.") @abstractmethod def _fetch_issues_by_milestone(self, milestone_name: str) -> List[Issue]: """Get issues associated with the given milestone from the issue provider.""" raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented in base class.") def _get_cached_issues(self, start: datetime.datetime, end: datetime.datetime) -> Union[IssueCache, None]: """Check whether issues with the specified start and end date are already stored.""" for cache in self._stored_issues: if cache.start and cache.end: if cache.start == start and cache.end == end: return cache else: return None
[docs]class GitLabIssueServer(IssueServer): """An IssueServer with GitLab as the server.""" def __init__(self, issue_source: dict): super().__init__() if "token" in issue_source: token = issue_source["token"] else: token = None gitlab_server = gitlab_tools.GitlabServer(issue_source["url"], token) self.project = gitlab_server.open_gitlab_project(issue_source["project"]) def _fetch_issues(self, start: datetime.datetime, end: datetime.datetime, get_comments=True) -> List[Issue]: """Function to return issues falling withing a certain time window. :param start: The start of the time window for included issues :param end: The end of the time window for included issues. :param get_comments: Whether or not to download issue comments from the server. This may take some time if there are a large number of issues so should be disabled if the comments are not needed. :return: A list of Issue objects. """ request_parameters = {} if start is not None: request_parameters['created_after'] = start.isoformat() if end is not None: request_parameters['created_before'] = end.isoformat() gitlab_issues = self.project.issues.list(all=True, query_parameters=request_parameters) return [Issue(gitlab_issue, "gitlab", get_comments) for gitlab_issue in gitlab_issues] def _fetch_issues_by_milestone(self, milestone_name: str) -> List[Issue]: """Get all gitlab issues associated with a particular milestone. :param milestone_name: The name of the milestone to find. """ project_milestones = self.project.milestones.list() for milestone in project_milestones: if milestone.attributes["title"] == milestone_name: milestone_issues = list(milestone.issues()) return [Issue(issue, "gitlab") for issue in milestone_issues] # If the milestone exists but there are no issues associated with it. return []
[docs]class GitHubIssueServer(IssueServer): def __init__(self, issue_server_source: dict): super().__init__() server = GithubServer(issue_server_source) self.repo = server.open_github_repo(issue_server_source["project"]) def _fetch_issues(self, start: datetime.datetime, end: datetime.datetime, get_comments: bool) -> List[Issue]: # TODO: This method does not check issue [opening] end date issues = self.repo.get_issues(state="all", since=start) return [Issue(issue, "github") for issue in issues if not issue.pull_request] def _fetch_issues_by_milestone(self, milestone_name: str) -> List[Issue]: milestones = self.repo.get_milestones() for milestone in milestones: if milestone.title == milestone_name: issues = self.repo.get_issues(milestone=milestone, state="all") return [Issue(issue, "github") for issue in issues] # If milestone not found return []
[docs]class IssueComment: """A comment is a textual field attached to an Issue :ivar text: (string) The content of the comment message. :ivar created_at: (datetime) The time a comment was made. :ivar updated_at: (datetime) The most recent time the content of a comment was updated. """ def __init__(self, comment, source: str): self.text = None self.created_at = None self.updated_at = None self.system = None if source == "gitlab": self._comment_from_gitlab(comment) elif source == "github": self._comment_from_github(comment) elif source == "test data": self._comment_from_test_data(comment) else: raise TypeError(f"Unknown commit comment source: '{source}'.") def _comment_from_gitlab(self, comment: ProjectIssueNote): """Populate an instance of a comment from a GitLab note.""" self.text = clean(comment.attributes["body"]) self.created_at = string_to_datetime(comment.attributes["created_at"]) self.updated_at = string_to_datetime(comment.attributes["updated_at"]) self.system = comment.attributes["system"] def _comment_from_github(self, comment: github.IssueComment): self.text = comment.body self.created_at = comment.created_at self.updated_at = comment.updated_at def _comment_from_test_data(self, comment: Tuple[str, datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime, str]): (text, created_at, updated_at, system) = comment self.text = text self.created_at = created_at self.updated_at = updated_at self.system = system
[docs]def get_issue_by_title(issues: List[Issue], title: str) -> Union[Issue, None]: """If issue with 'title' exists in 'issues', return the issue, else return None. :param issues: A list of Issue objects. :param title: An issue title :returns: Issue with title == title, else None. """ for issue in issues: if issue.title == title: return issue return None
[docs]def new_issue_server(robota_config: dict) -> Union[None, IssueServer]: """A factory method for IssueServers.""" issue_server_source = config_readers.get_data_source_info(robota_config, 'issues') if not issue_server_source: return None server_type = issue_server_source["type"] logger.debug(f"Initialising {server_type} issue server.") if server_type == 'gitlab': return GitLabIssueServer(issue_server_source) if server_type == 'github': return GitHubIssueServer(issue_server_source) else: raise TypeError(f"Unknown issue server type {server_type}.")