Source code for robota_core.repository

import datetime
import io
import sys
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import List, Union

import github
import github.Branch
from github.File import File
import gitlab
import gitlab.v4.objects
import git
from loguru import logger

from robota_core import gitlab_tools, config_readers
from robota_core.commit import CommitCache, Tag, Commit, get_tags_at_date
from robota_core.github_tools import GithubServer
from robota_core.string_processing import string_to_datetime

[docs]class Branch: """An abstract object representing a git branch. :ivar id: Name of branch. :ivar id: Commit id that branch points to. """ def __init__(self, branch, source: str): = None = None if source == "gitlab": self._branch_from_gitlab(branch) elif source == "github": self._branch_from_github(branch) elif source == "dict": self._branch_from_dict(branch) elif source == "local": self._branch_from_local(branch) else: TypeError("Unknown branch type.") def _branch_from_gitlab(self, branch: gitlab.v4.objects.ProjectBranch): = branch.attributes["name"] = branch.attributes["commit"]["id"] def _branch_from_dict(self, branch: dict): = branch["name"] = branch["commit_id"] def _branch_from_github(self, branch: github.Branch.Branch): = = branch.commit.sha def _branch_from_local(self, branch: git.Head): = = branch.commit.hexsha
[docs]class Event: """A repository event. :ivar date: The date and time of the event. :ivar type: 'deleted', 'pushed to' or 'pushed new' :ivar ref_type: The thing the event concerns, 'tag', 'branch', 'commit' etc. :ivar ref_name: The name of the thing the event concerns (branch name or tag name) :ivar commit_id: A commit id associated with ref """ def __init__(self, event_data): = None self.type = None self.ref_type = None self.ref_name = None self.commit_id = None self.commit_count = None if isinstance(event_data, gitlab.v4.objects.ProjectEvent): self._event_from_gitlab(event_data) elif isinstance(event_data, dict): self._event_from_dict(event_data) def _event_from_gitlab(self, event_data: gitlab.v4.objects.ProjectEvent): = string_to_datetime(event_data.attributes['created_at']) self.type = event_data.attributes["action_name"] if "push_data" in event_data.attributes: push_data = event_data.attributes['push_data'] self.ref_type = push_data['ref_type'] self.ref_name = push_data['ref'] self.commit_count = push_data['commit_count'] if self.type == "deleted": self.commit_id = push_data['commit_from'] else: self.commit_id = push_data['commit_to'] def _event_from_dict(self, event_data: dict): = string_to_datetime(event_data['date']) self.type = event_data["type"] if "push_data" in event_data: push_data = event_data['push_data'] self.ref_type = push_data['ref_type'] self.ref_name = push_data['ref_name'] self.commit_id = push_data['commit_id'] self.commit_count = push_data['commit_count']
[docs]class Diff: """A representation of a git diff between two points in time for a single file in a git repository.""" def __init__(self, diff_info, diff_source: str): self.old_path: str self.new_path: str self.new_file: bool self.diff: str if diff_source == "gitlab": self._diff_from_gitlab(diff_info) elif diff_source == "github": self._diff_from_github(diff_info) elif diff_source == "local_repo": self._diff_from_local(diff_info) else: raise TypeError(f"Unknown diff source: '{diff_source}'") def _diff_from_gitlab(self, diff_info: dict): """Populate a diff using the dictionary of diff information returned by gitlab.""" self.old_path = diff_info["old_path"] self.new_path = diff_info["new_path"] self.new_file = diff_info["new_file"] self.diff = diff_info["diff"] def _diff_from_local(self, diff_info: git.Diff): self.old_path = diff_info.a_path self.new_path = diff_info.b_path self.new_file = diff_info.new_file self.diff = diff_info.diff def _diff_from_github(self, diff_info: github.File.File): self.new_path = diff_info.filename if diff_info.previous_filename is None: self.old_path = self.new_path else: self.old_path = diff_info.previous_filename if diff_info.status == "added": self.new_file = True else: self.new_file = False self.diff = diff_info.patch
[docs]class Repository: """A place where commits, tags, events, branches and files come from. :ivar _branches: A list of Branches associated with this repository. :ivar _events: A list of Events associated with this repository. :ivar _diffs: A dictionary of cached diffs associated with this repository. They are labelled in the form key = point_1 + point_2 where point_1 and point_2 are the commit SHAs or branch names that the diff describes. """ def __init__(self, project_url: str): self._branches: Union[None, List[Branch]] = None self._events: List[Event] = [] self._diffs = {} self._stored_commits: List[CommitCache] = [] self._tags: List[Tag] = [] self.project_url = project_url
[docs] @abstractmethod def list_files(self, identifier: str) -> List[str]: """Returns a list of file paths with file names in a repository. Identifier can be a commit or branch name. File paths are relative to the repository root.""" raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented in base class.")
[docs] def get_branches(self) -> List[Branch]: """Get all of the Branches in the repository.""" if not self._branches: self._branches = self._fetch_branches() return self._branches
[docs] def get_branch(self, name: str) -> Union[Branch, None]: """Get a Branch from the repository by name. If Branch does not exist, return None.""" if not self._branches: self._branches = self._fetch_branches() for branch in self._branches: if == name: return branch return None
@abstractmethod def _fetch_branches(self) -> List[Branch]: """Retrieve all branches from the server.""" raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented in base class.")
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_events(self) -> List[Event]: """Return a list of Events associated with this repository.""" raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented in base class.")
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_file_contents(self, file_path: str, branch: str = "master") -> Union[bytes, None]: """Get the decoded contents of a file from the repository. Works well for text files. Might explode for other file types.""" raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented in base class.")
[docs] @abstractmethod def compare(self, point_1: str, point_2: str) -> List[Diff]: """Compare the state of the repository at two points in time. The points may be branch names, tags or commit ids. """ raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented in base class.")
[docs] def get_commits(self, start: datetime.datetime = None, end: datetime.datetime = None, branch: str = None) -> List[Commit]: """Get issues from the issue provider between the start date and end date.""" cached_commits = self._get_cached_commits(start, end, branch) if cached_commits: return list(cached_commits.commits) new_commits = self._fetch_commits(start, end, branch) self._stored_commits.append(CommitCache(start, end, branch, new_commits)) return new_commits
[docs] def get_commit_by_id(self, commit_id: str) -> Union[Commit, None]: """Get a Commit by its unique ID number""" if commit_id is None: return None for cache in self._stored_commits: for commit in cache: if return commit new_commit = self._fetch_commit_by_id(commit_id) # Add the new commit to a cache of its own. fake_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(1) new_cache = CommitCache(fake_date, fake_date, "", [new_commit]) self._stored_commits.append(new_cache) return new_commit
[docs] def get_tags(self): """Get all tags from the server.""" if not self._tags: self._tags = self._fetch_tags() return self._tags
[docs] def get_tag(self, name: str, deadline: datetime.datetime = None, events: List["Event"] = None) -> Union[Tag, None]: """Get a git Tag by name. :param name: The name of the tag to get. :param deadline: If provided, filters tags such that tags are only returned if they existed at deadline. :param events: Events corresponding to the repository, required if deadline is specified. :returns: The Tag if found else returns None. """ if not self._tags: self._tags = self._fetch_tags() tags_to_search = self._tags if deadline: if not events: raise SyntaxError("Must provide list of events if deadline is specified.") tags_to_search = get_tags_at_date(deadline, tags_to_search, events) for tag in tags_to_search: if == name: return tag return None
def _get_cached_commits(self, start: datetime.datetime, end: datetime.datetime, branch: str) -> Union[CommitCache, None]: """Check whether commits with the specified start, end and branch are already stored.""" for cache in self._stored_commits: if cache.start == start and cache.end == end and cache.branch == branch: return cache return None @abstractmethod def _fetch_tags(self) -> List[Tag]: """Fetch tags from a the server.""" raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented in base class.") @abstractmethod def _fetch_commit_by_id(self, commit_id: str) -> Union[Commit, None]: """Fetch a single commit from the server.""" raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented in base class.") @abstractmethod def _fetch_commits(self, start: Union[datetime.datetime, None], end: Union[datetime.datetime, None], branch: Union[str, None]) -> List[Commit]: """Fetch a list of commits from the server.""" raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented in base class.")
[docs]class LocalRepository(Repository): def __init__(self, commit_source: dict): super().__init__(commit_source["path"]) self.repo = git.Repo(commit_source["path"])
[docs] def list_files(self, identifier: str) -> List[str]: files = self.repo.tree(identifier).traverse() file_paths = [file.path for file in files if file.type == "blob"] return file_paths
[docs] def get_file_contents(self, file_path: str, branch: str = "master") -> Union[bytes, None]: file = self.repo.heads[branch].commit.tree / file_path with io.BytesIO( as f: return
[docs] def compare(self, point_1: str, point_2: str) -> List[Diff]: commit_1 = self._get_commit(point_1) commit_2 = self._get_commit(point_2) diffs = commit_1.diff(commit_2, create_patch=True) robota_diffs = [Diff(diff, "local_repo") for diff in diffs] return robota_diffs
def _get_commit(self, ref: str) -> git.Commit: """Get a commit object from a ref which is a branch, tag or commit SHA.""" try: commit = self.repo.heads[ref].commit return commit except IndexError: pass try: commit = self.repo.tags[ref].commit return commit except IndexError: pass try: commit = self.repo.commit(ref) return commit except IndexError: logger.error(f"Can't find object {ref} in Local repository. Object must be branch name," f"tag or commit SHA.") sys.exit(1)
[docs] def get_events(self) -> List[Event]: # TODO: Can events be mined from the reflog? raise NotImplementedError("Get events not implemented for LocalRepository")
def _fetch_branches(self) -> List[Branch]: return [Branch(branch, "local") for branch in self.repo.branches] def _fetch_commits(self, start: Union[datetime.datetime, None], end: Union[datetime.datetime, None], branch: Union[str, None]) -> List[Commit]: rev_list_args = {} if start: rev_list_args["since"] = start.isoformat() if end: rev_list_args["until"] = end.isoformat() rev = None if branch: rev = branch commits = self.repo.iter_commits(rev, "", **rev_list_args) return [Commit(commit, "local") for commit in commits] def _fetch_commit_by_id(self, commit_id: str) -> Union[Commit, None]: return Commit(self.repo.commit(commit_id), "local") def _fetch_tags(self) -> List[Tag]: return [Tag(tag, "local") for tag in self.repo.tags]
[docs]class GithubRepository(Repository): def __init__(self, repository_source: dict): super().__init__(repository_source['url']) server = GithubServer(repository_source) self.repo = server.open_github_repo(repository_source["project"])
[docs] def list_files(self, identifier: str) -> List[str]: files = self.repo.get_git_tree(identifier, recursive=True) file_paths = [file.path for file in files.tree if file.type == "blob"] return file_paths
def _fetch_branches(self) -> List[Branch]: return [Branch(branch, "github") for branch in self.repo.get_branches()]
[docs] def get_events(self) -> List[Event]: raise NotImplementedError("Method not implemented for Github Repository")
[docs] def get_file_contents(self, file_path: str, branch: str = "master") -> Union[bytes, None]: try: file = self.repo.get_contents(file_path, branch) except github.UnknownObjectException: return None return file.decoded_content
[docs] def compare(self, point_1: str, point_2: str) -> List[Diff]: comparison =, point_2) return [Diff(diff, "github") for diff in comparison.files]
def _fetch_commit_by_id(self, commit_id: str) -> Union[Commit, None]: try: commit_data = self.repo.get_commit(commit_id) except github.GithubException as e: if e.status == 422: return None else: raise e return Commit(commit_data, "github") def _fetch_commits(self, start: Union[datetime.datetime, None], end: Union[datetime.datetime, None], branch: Union[str, None]) -> List[Commit]: if not start: start = github.GithubObject.NotSet if not end: end = github.GithubObject.NotSet if not branch: branch = github.GithubObject.NotSet github_commits = self.repo.get_commits(sha=branch, since=start, until=end) return [Commit(github_commit, "github") for github_commit in github_commits] def _fetch_tags(self) -> List[Tag]: github_tags = self.repo.get_tags() return [Tag(github_tag, "github") for github_tag in github_tags]
[docs]class GitlabRepository(Repository): """A Gitlab flavour of a repository. :ivar project: A connection to the gitlab repository """ def __init__(self, data_source: dict): if "token" in data_source: token = data_source["token"] else: token = None server = gitlab_tools.GitlabServer(data_source["url"], token) self.project = server.open_gitlab_project(data_source["project"]) super().__init__(self.project.attributes["web_url"])
[docs] def list_files(self, identifier: str) -> List[str]: files = [] page_num = 1 while True: file_page = self.project.repository_tree(ref=identifier, per_page=100, page=page_num, recursive=True) if file_page: files.extend(file_page) page_num += 1 else: break file_paths = [file["path"] for file in files if file["type"] == "blob"] return file_paths
def _fetch_branches(self) -> List[Branch]: return [Branch(branch, "gitlab") for branch in self.project.branches.list(all=True)]
[docs] def get_events(self) -> List[Event]: """Return a list of Events associated with this repository.""" if not self._events: # API requires date in ISO 8601 format gitlab_events =, action="pushed") for gitlab_event in gitlab_events: self._events.append(Event(gitlab_event)) return self._events
[docs] def get_file_contents(self, file_path: str, branch: str = "master") -> Union[bytes, None]: """Get a file directly from the repository.""" try: file = self.project.files.get(file_path, branch) except gitlab.GitlabGetError: return None else: return file.decode()
[docs] def compare(self, point_1: str, point_2: str) -> List[Diff]: """Compare the state of the repository at two points in time. The points may be branch names, tags or commit ids. Point 1 must be chronologically before point 2. """ if not point_1 + point_2 in self._diffs: gitlab_diffs = self.project.repository_compare(point_1, point_2) robota_diffs = [Diff(diff, "gitlab") for diff in gitlab_diffs["diffs"]] self._diffs[point_1 + point_2] = robota_diffs return self._diffs[point_1 + point_2]
def _fetch_commits(self, start: Union[datetime.datetime, None], end: Union[datetime.datetime, None], branch: Union[str, None]) -> List[Commit]: """ Function to return commits falling withing a certain time window. :param start: The start of the time window for included commits. :param end: The end of the time window for included commits. :param branch: Filters commits by branch name. If None, get commits from all branches. :return: A list of Commit object. """ request_parameters = {} if start is not None: request_parameters['since'] = start.isoformat() if end is not None: request_parameters['until'] = end.isoformat() if branch is None: request_parameters['all'] = True else: request_parameters['ref_name'] = branch gitlab_commits = self.project.commits.list(all=True, query_parameters=request_parameters) return [Commit(commit, "gitlab", self.project_url) for commit in gitlab_commits] def _fetch_commit_by_id(self, commit_id: str) -> Union[Commit, None]: try: gitlab_commit = self.project.commits.get(commit_id) except gitlab.exceptions.GitlabGetError: return None return Commit(gitlab_commit, "gitlab", self.project_url) def _fetch_tags(self) -> List[Tag]: """Method for getting tags from the gitlab server.""" gitlab_tags = self.project.tags.list(all=True) return [Tag(gitlab_tag, "gitlab") for gitlab_tag in gitlab_tags]
[docs]def new_repository(robota_config: dict) -> Union[Repository, None]: """Factory method for Repositories.""" repo_config = config_readers.get_data_source_info(robota_config, "repository") if not repo_config: return None repo_type = repo_config["type"] logger.debug(f"Initialising {repo_type} repository.") if repo_type == "gitlab": return GitlabRepository(repo_config) elif repo_type == "github": return GithubRepository(repo_config) elif repo_type == 'local_repository': return LocalRepository(repo_config) else: raise TypeError(f"Unknown repository type {repo_config['type']}.")