Source code for robota_core.string_processing

import datetime
import re
from typing import Union, Dict

import bleach
import markdown

[docs]def string_to_datetime(date: Union[str, None], datetime_format: str = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') -> Union[datetime.datetime, None]: """Convert time string (output from GitLab project attributes) to datetime. :param date: A string representing the datetime. :param datetime_format: The format of 'date'. :return date: The converted datetime. >>> string_to_datetime('2017-12-06T08:28:32.000Z', "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ") datetime.datetime(2017, 12, 6, 8, 28, 32) """ if date is None: return None if isinstance(date, str): return datetime.datetime.strptime(date, datetime_format) else: raise TypeError("Unknown date type. Cannot convert.")
[docs]def markdownify(text: str) -> str: """Take text in markdown format and output the formatted text with HTML markup.""" return markdown.markdown(text, extensions=['attr_list'])
[docs]def clean(text: str) -> str: """Convert any HTML tags to a string representation so HTML cannot be executed.""" return bleach.clean(text)
[docs]def html_newlines(text: str) -> str: """Replace any newline characters in a string with html newline characters.""" html = re.sub('(\n)+', '<br>', text) return html
[docs]def list_to_html_rows(list_of_strings: list) -> str: """Join list items with html new lines.""" return '<br>'.join(list_of_strings)
[docs]def sublist_to_html_rows(list_of_lists: list, empty='-') -> list: """Separate items in a sub-list by html new lines instead of commas.""" for item in list_of_lists: assert item is None or isinstance(item, list) return [list_to_html_rows(list_items) if list_items else empty for list_items in list_of_lists]
[docs]def build_regex_string(string: str) -> str: """Escape some characters and replace * and ? wildcard characters with the python regex equivalents.""" string.replace(".", r"\.") string.replace("*", ".+") string.replace("?", ".") return string
[docs]def replace_none(input_list: list, replacement='-') -> list: """Sanitise list for display purposes.""" return [item if item is not None else replacement for item in input_list]
[docs]def append_list_to_dict(dictionary: Dict[str, list], key: str, value: list): """If key exists in dictionary then append value to it, else add a new key with value. :param dictionary: A dictionary to add key and value to. :param key: Dictionary key. :param value: A value to append to the dictionary list. """ if key in dictionary: dictionary[key].extend(value) else: dictionary[key] = value